When I bought all those books about getting my stuff in line financially, it's then I've noticed how lacking I am in handling (or mishandling) my own savings. My image of myself being the frugal hermit has been shattered by the mere fact that I am a bit more reckless than I thought I should have been.
So here I am, writing my personal financial account, and by the looks of things, at the end of this year, I have roughly Php 43,000 as my savings when the year 2006 greets me -- not enough to buy me my house. That is counting continual family obligations (one of my ATM cards is not in my wallet -_-), personal and non-personal purchases (a decent fridge, a vacuum cleaner, new barongs, etc.), monthly leisure (recently the expensive-over-time Guild Wars).
I have too few security measures even for myself. Sigh. I am getting old -_-