For the time being, I'll be using the shots from my phone. Not that much, but it's nice to start off with it.

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The whole trip lasts for a day, but damn, when you experience the air that comes from outside a bus window over the mountain cliffs, it's so divine

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As a child, I always thought I will never see these beyond illustrations in text books. And when my eyes came upon it, I can only look in awe

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Sagada is a sacred place. Where you can quietly walk around, think, and well, just be good to yourself

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A Moment of Zen V: A stalk of rice bows down when it is heavy, as such, one is a truly learned man if he knows humility

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I came upon this child in a souvenir shop, and couldn't help but gaze at the little, bright-eyed cherub. Adorable kid. She's half-Italian :)