capt turnpike writes "According to, there's an internal debate going on at Sun whether to open-source Java. (Insert typical response: "It's about time!") Company spokespersons have no official comment, as might be expected, but perhaps we could hear confirmation or denial as early as May 16, at the JavaOne conference. One commentator said, "Sun should endorse PHP and go one step forward and make sure the 'P' languages run great on the JVM [Java virtual machine] by open-sourcing Java." Would this move Java up the desirability scale in your eyes? Could this be a way to help improve what's lacking in Java?"

News spotted in

As for my comment, I'll only really be an end user and not that nerdy to dig into code-for-everyone realm. Besides, like one of the posters said, "Does it really matter".


*continues slacking and daydreaming about cyborgs battling fleshy elves*