If there's a couple I hate, there's also a couple on the other side of the spectrum :)

To date, I hold two people with tons amount of respect and love. There are times that these people do pass by, and I can't help but regret that I haven't thanked God enough that they came by this hermit's life.

The first one, let's just say I'm using her words as how she described me when I came to her life. I came when she was in her worst of moods, shutting off the world and feeling miserable. Yet there I was, barging in like a bandit and making an even messier mess (lol). Oh but it was a happy mess I made wasn't it?

Then and there, I've found someone who'd listen to me when I am philosophizing about the world. Or when I'm generally in an insulting mood (my past time). Or doing and talking about the most inane and silly things. Such as letting her paint my nails black, lol.

The second, I hold a salute. That's to think we have only one weird connection when we first met. Then came the trials and tribulations we went through, and might I say, I will gladly follow no other leader than her. Yeap, she's also a woman :) With all that happened, I'll go to hell and back fearlessly because I know she'll do the same for me. She was there when I got my ass kicked. She was there when I got burnt. She was there when I almost burst into a mad rage. That's to think she has many other burdens to carry. I know a strong woman when I see one.

And she freely tells me stories about her life like I've been her best friend. That long walk in Julia Vargas avenue is time enough to know a lot about a person. And for all that, I'm glad.

Knowing I had these two people, I know there is something for me to go on with this life. Even if I have to live it alone.

I have a wish though. I want to see them again one last time this year before I wander off and go away. Just to say 'thank you'.