I just had a talk this morning with a colleague (note, I said colleague instead of 'higher up').
One of the nice things I like about being where I am is that, positions are merely formalities. We're really all equals. Which sort of removes the stigma on how you interact with people in general.
Bureaucracy. Bah, he says.
I for one, have little regard for authority. Perhaps I only do so just so it's convenient for me and don't want the trouble that I might go through. But that's not the point here.
It's been a year. Yeah, I've been through so much in so little time.
That's why I am realizing how little time I have in this world. A year feels like a heartbeat to me now. When I was kid, it can be a lifetime. Hehe, I must be getting old.
But it's really really good to feel appreciated.
"You are one of the best developers we have here"
"I don't know how this company would have been without you"
"I really, really wish you'd still like it here"Those maybe just words yes, but words can mean a difference. Of course, I have my own thoughts about myself. Like I said, my memory is volatile. I forget things. That's why I asked only one thing.
Make me remember.
Remind me why I do the things I do, even though I have become mindless of the reason. Then again that's too personal is it not? That's why I'm left in the dark sometimes. It feels like flying with only one wing.
You know I can't smile without you, I can't laugh without you :D