Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketI haven't had that much fun in a long time. The only thing that bugs me is that it didn't last for more than a week. It has to be THAT long to squeeze out all the good things out of a vacation.

But, as reality goes, nothing lasts forever. What we only really have is the moment.

It was a full packed four nights and three days. And I went there without a thorn in my heart, which makes BIG difference. I only need to tire myself with the wind, the waves, the terrific food, and the endless things to talk about.

To be just there.


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No deadlines
No busy stuff to think about
No urban cacophony
No headaches
No and nothing of that sort

I had to, had to take pictures. Because my volatile memory cannot hold good things like this when it passes by, so I had to take pictures.

After arriving, we had a finale at Silk Thai in Market! Market! somewhere in The Fort. The food was divine, and it was really filling. When I got home I slept and found myself laughing at the fact that I noticed my jaw was munching on its own. And my legs are twitching because it still thought I was at sea.

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Still, I'd like to go back remembering everything that happened. Let it all sink in. I'd like to remind myself that life is beautiful. I must not waste a minute away, but that doesn't mean I should not take time to rest.

Also, the trip reminded me that despite everything, I'm still my silly old self. Perhaps, that will never change. There's a lot of things in life that I don't know. But I can comfort myself to the fact that ... it's not my job to do so.

Yes, it is difficult not knowing everything. That's why we have faith, so it seems.

Something I have slowly been shaking off lately because I wanted to know, I wanted to control. I just couldn't leave everything to chance. I wanted to have a hand in the things I want.

Now, I just want to always, always remind myself to let go. Let the unexpected happen.

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There's a ton of pics I'll be posting for a couple of months to come, just for this trip. Ashley didn't have enough space for everything so I'm leaving some of the shots to my friends. I only had that one pic of Grace, but that's just fine. I've been taking her everywhere I go ... any place where I could comfortably bring a guitar.

One of the most serene moments in my life is playing a guitar as I meet the dawn. I accomplished such. Yet, it looks like I am still wanting something. And not really want it at the same time. Which all in all, spoiled my mood somewhat. That's okay.

I only have to let life play this one out.

Gotta remember that. Yeah ... hafta remember that ...