I wonder, what I would be like if I have taken up smoking? Maybe I'd suffer less the effects of stress. It could very well complemented my get up. Sometimes I hold straws like cigarettes (looks pathetic, but yeah, really) just so I could imagine the feel of it.
Not that I never puffed a stick ever, did so back in college for a play o_O
I was simply a nerd who follows what doctors say and reason out, "Meh, I don't want to suffer later". I was never peer pressured, most especially because my peers are all practically good boys. Yeah, we booze and down alcohol and all that.
I asked a friend who smokes and he kind of went like, "It really came down to my choice". Guess he's right. That's where it all boils down to. Unless it's the only rationalization you can come up with.
Me? I guess I'll be dying of a heart disease and not lung cancer.