I'd like to live a simple life. Somewhere rural, where chickens roam the dirt road and smell of fresh cut grass is the scent in the air. I'd spy pygmy quails in the bushes and marvel at a termite nest that has grown real big.
Maybe there'll be a vegetable patch on my backyard, each leaf vein I've memorized with each leaf, and each leaf with each plant. As if each cabbage head is a person with a personality all talking to each other about how they want to be stewed this evening's dinner.
Perhaps there will be nights when the sky is so clear that you can feel the light of the stars cut your eyes, chill but calm winds creating an eerie moment that for an instant, you thought you're partially one with the awesomeness of all creation -- and feel so feeble and infinitesimal at the same time.
And when my mind has had enough of the world, I'd go inside and feel the warmth of my house to see if my wife and kids are asleep, kiss them goodnight, and join them in their dreams ...