Have you ever poked a bubble and thought later that you shouldn't have?
Okay, put a relative replacement for the bubble and read the sentence again.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is the paragon of regret. Have you something you regret? Ofcourse, there is. We're capable of recognizing disappointments, therefore, it wouldn't be farfetched that there are things we wished didn't happen. Regret can sometimes be direct or indirect.
Take for example, "
I've ridden a bicycle today." Then you went off a track and had an accident. You might think that "
I've regretted having ridden my bicycle today because I went off the track and had an accident."
Now, an unreasonable form of regret is indirect. Take the bicycle example. Your friend road the bicycle and hit you. So you might say, "
I've regretted letting you ride my bicycle because you ran over me. Now I have ten dead toenails."
The first is direct because it's influenced by your decision, that is, you've known the risk of riding the bicycle. The second is indirect because your decision doesn't wholly affect the outcome. Although ofcourse, the example is poor because in both cases, you wouldn't know how the element of accident can pass by to you.
Now what has all of this got to do with me?
Absolutely nothing. My brain is just farting, that's all.
Everything happens for a reason.
Many people love that phrase don't they? I simply don't advocate it though. And I would think I have posted that sentiment in my blog many times. I do admit however, that it has a soothing effect to the soul. It helps in '
letting go', which if not done, causes a lot of stress and unnecessary anxiety. And as you know,
anxiety is the rust of life.
There's a more sinister form of that phrase though, and that is, knowing the reason before it happens.
Case in point, fortune-telling and horoscopes, which are nothing but entertainment to me. A fun example is the game
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, where Gabriel had a horoscope that says "
a dark star is falling upon you." Gabriel scratched his head and said, "
Somewhere, somehow, a highschool teacher is confused like hell."
How can a prediction account for a collective fate? It's absolutely incredulous. That is, until people try to attach said prediction to a convenient aspect in their lives.
Okay, another brain fart.
Ignorance is bliss. It's also called coffee. ~_~